Thursday, January 31, 2013

An Introduction

Where to begin. For starters i'm an Art History major with a minor in History. My relationship with Art truthfully was never something important to me until the beginning of high school, where I became incredibly attached to my camera. Before that, I never once pictured myself liking photography, and had very little appreciation of the medium, until my parents gave me one one fateful summer. But before I knew it, I was getting compliments here and there, and then I began to play with different techniques, and eventually, I was hooked!

Despite my love of photography though, I never wanted to pursue a career in it. I completely lack the ability to express myself in any other medium, but photography just comes natural to me. I love when I get the shot I want, I love coming up with ideas and trying new things, but I realized that the more I saw photography as a career, the more distant I became with it. Which leads me to my interest in Art History.

I've always been fascinated by history, I always scold people whenever they say its boring, since its far from it. There is nothing boring about the rise and fall of empires, there is nothing boring about learning about the lives of people during war, and there is nothing boring about the atrocities civilizations have done for centuries. Art History specifically the time of the Renaissance of course despite my expectations, became something that I began to deeply like, since now along with learning about the history of the time period, I could create an endless cycle of artists who worked with an important historic figure, who knew another historic figure, etc,etc.Then there is obviously the artworks themselves which for some like Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" have a ridiculous story to it, while others like Van Eyck's "Arnolfini Portrait" are decked out in symbolism.

twitter: @jonmarulanda101

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