Friday, April 26, 2013

Alternative Spaces Proposal - AENJ Conference w/Zimmerli Tour

AENJ & The Zimmerli

"Art Educators of New Jersey was conceived in 1939 by art educators interested in the promotion of visual arts education in the state. It is [their] purpose to promote and maintain the highest possible degree of quality instruction in visual arts programs throughout New Jersey."

"[Their] annual Conference, features over 150 Workshops, Trade show, Panels and Guest speakers including internationally known artists.  [They] also offer other professional development opportunities that focus on areas of interest to art educators." This is an alternative art space because it is more similar to an seminar setting. The conference exhibits student works on fair-like fences rather than the traditional wall space. The conference is hosted at the Hyatt Hotel, with dozens of rooms to exhibit the 150 workshops featuring techniques of all kinds, past projects, or hosting a discussion on issues related to art and the classroom setting.

AENJ's conference this year is Thursday October 3rd, Friday October 4th and Saturday October 5th at The Hyatt in New Brunswick.  This is located 5 minutes away from Rutger's Zimmerli Museum. The Jane Vorhees Zimmerli Art Museum is more of a traditional art space. The Zimmerli "collects, preserves, researches, and exhibits world-class works of art to provide the university community and diverse regional, national, and international audiences with direct experience of the visual arts. Scholarly activities make art intellectually accessible through exhibitions, publications, and educational programs."

I am currently working on an educational program as part of my Professional Practice course. This program is visitor packet aimed at 8th grade art and english classes including the following: A letter to the classroom teacher inviting them to the Zimmerli to take part in the attached tour, a pre-visit and post-visit activity, a summative grid of the tour, a unit plan outlining the specific relative information within the tour, an activity worksheet for the students, and a survey for the teacher to share their experience at the museum and with the tour.

I am presenting my tour, A Walk Through Someone Else's Shoes, on May 13, when it will be reviewed for selection. I would like to propose this tour for AENJ's annual conference. I believe this would be a dynamic integration of the alternative art space, the conference, with the traditional art space, the Zimmerli. The proposed tour would make the art at the Zimmerli more accessible to visitors in the community, and the conference brings a large amount of art educators in to the community. I would also be giving the tour, therefore exercising my knowledge of the works, and guiding a large group of visitors through the whole museum.

The deadline for proposal submissions is May 15. All submissions are made through the web ( This proposal is also a requirement for the AENJ scholarship that I applied for. I am in the process of thoroughly reviewing my submission with my Profession Practice professor and art education advisor.

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