Friday, March 22, 2013


Saira Anum
Philip D'Martino
Gallery Management
Spring 2013

In fast pace society many people are living hectic lives and don’t have times to experience such luxuries as visiting art museums and galleries, which is why we are purposing to start an online galley for contemporary printmaking. The name of our gallery will be Gallery #FF6600 and will consist of four different pages that represent the different rooms that would make up the gallery if it were an actual physical gallery.

Phil and I will be running the actual gallery as well as curating shows on two of the pages. As for the other two pages one will consist of the galleries permanent collection, which can be drawn from at any time if a specific piece is needed to go with a current show. This idea of the permanent collection being pulled from for current shows comes from visiting both The Newark Museum and MOMA in New York, NY. The fourth page will be the Main Gallery that shall be used during shows that are curated by visiting curators.

We plan to include numerous other pages as well as the four gallery pages. These pages will include helpful art related links, press, and a contact page. One such idea for helpful art links page is including a map of printmaking, which will be created by myself, and its popularity in different regions. Also, included in the links page will be a tutorial section for those interested in finding more about a specific form of printmaking.

The galley will also be hosting talks and events that will take place at local locations in Jersey City. The topics that will be discussed at such talks are artist’s talks, panel discussions, printmaking in today’s society, gaining exposure as a printmaker, DIY public relations, and numerous other printmaking related topics. The events that will be hosted include workshops, a yearly printmaking festival, collaboration nights, and a monthly open critique to which printmakers can bring current work to discuss it with other artists.

Funding for all of this will come from numerous sources such as entry fees, Kickstarter donations, and contributions made by those attending such things as artist’s talks and events, and investor backing. Entry fees will be $20 dollars a month paid by visiting curators looking to exhibit on our main gallery page.

In conclusion, we hope to turn our online gallery is to an actually gallery space similar to that of Hotel Particulier located at 4-6 Grand Street New York, NY, 10013. This gallery unlike others is part gallery part café, however in our particular case we are starting off online and hoping the online gallery to eventually become a gallery that is also a bakeshop.

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